Commercial Courses Without Math In JAMB In Nigeria: Top 12

commercial Courses Without Math in Jamb
commercial Courses Without Math in Jamb

Commercial Courses Without Math In Jamb: The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), which was introduced by the Nigerian government in 1978, has the responsibility of conducting examinations (Now CBT) for students seeking admission into the universities in Nigeria.

You are probably here to check out the commercial courses you can study at the university. Well, you are in the right place.

In this article, I will show you the top commercial courses that don’t require Math in JAMB and the reasons why they don’t require math in JAMB or even practicing them as a career.

Before I state them, I want to establish the fact that just because they do not require math in JAMB doesn’t mean they aren’t nice courses to study in university.

In fact, some of these courses that will be listed are also known as some of the highest-earning courses in Nigeria.

Studying these courses also gives almost the same leverage or advantage that every other commercial course out there gives.

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Here are the courses you can pursue with minimal or no mathematics requirement for JAMB:

Top 12 Commercial Courses Without Math In Jamb

1. Mass Communication

2. Marketing

3. Business Management

4. Human Resources Management (HRM)

5. Hospitality Management

6. Entrepreneurship

7. International Relation

8. Public Administration

9. Sociology

10. Language and Linguistics

11. Tourism and Hospitality

12. History and Archaeology

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1. Mass Communication: Mass Communication programs generally do not have strict mathematics requirements for JAMB.

commercial Courses that do not require mathematics in JAMB
commercial Courses that do not require mathematics in JAMB

Mass Communication focuses on communication, journalism, public relations, and practices of communicating information to a large audience through various media channels, such as TV presentations, social media, newspapers, radio presentations, and so on.

Here are reasons why Mass communication is one of the commercial courses that doesn’t require math in JAMB:

a). Content and Communication: The creation of content, communication strategies, and the broadcast of information via media outlets like television, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media, and more are the main concerns of mass communication.

These activities are strongly dependent on communication skills, not mathematical prowess.

b). Journalism: A significant part of mass communication, journalism is concerned with gathering, writing, and disseminating news and information to the general public.

While simple statistics or percentages may occasionally be used by journalists in their reporting, complex mathematics is rarely involved.

c). Public Relations: Public relations professionals specialize in building and maintaining a positive image for individuals, organizations, or brands.

Their work revolves around effective communication, public perception, and strategic planning, rather than mathematics.

d). Advertising: Advertising specialists concentrate on creating awareness or making known to the public the existence of products or services.

They create and manage advertising campaigns to promote products or services.

Their skills revolve around creativity, consumer psychology, and persuasive communication, not complex mathematical calculations.

e). Media Studies: Mass Communication programs often include courses in media studies, which explore the social, cultural, and historical aspects of media.

These courses are more concerned with critical analysis and theory than math.

f). Media Production: For those interested in media production, the focus is on developing skills in areas like audiovisual production, video editing, and scriptwriting, which are creative and technical in nature but do not rely on advanced mathematics.

A career in mass communication is a good fit for those who don’t have a strong aptitude for mathematics since it places a high value on creativity, critical thinking, effective communication, and a thorough understanding of media and its impact on society.

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2. Marketing: Marketing is a field of study that is generally considered a course without a strong mathematics requirement for JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) in Nigeria.

commercial Courses to study
commercial Courses to study

Marketing programs primarily focus on understanding consumer behavior, developing effective marketing strategies, and promoting products or services to target audiences.

Here’s why Marketing is typically seen as a course that does not require mathematics for JAMB:

a). Consumer Behavior and Psychology: Marketing professionals need to understand consumer behavior, which involves studying how individuals and groups make decisions and interact with products and brands.

This field relies more on psychology and social sciences than mathematics.

b). Marketing Strategies: Marketing involves creating and implementing strategies to reach and influence consumers.

This process is more about creativity, communication skills, market research, and strategic planning than complex mathematical calculations.

c). Advertising and Promotion: Marketers often work in advertising and promotion, where the emphasis is on creating persuasive messages and campaigns.

While there may be some budgeting involved, it is typically not mathematically complex.

d). Market Research: Market research is a crucial aspect of marketing, but it generally involves data collection, analysis, and interpretation rather than high-level mathematics.

Basic statistical concepts are more relevant in this context.

e). Product Development: Marketing professionals may collaborate with product development teams to understand market needs and preferences.

Their role is to bridge the gap between product development and consumer demand, which requires strong communication skills more than mathematics.

f). Consumer Segmentation: Marketers often segment consumers into groups based on various criteria like demographics, psychographics, and behavior.

While this involves data analysis, it doesn’t usually require advanced mathematics.

g). Communication Skills:  Effective communication, both written and verbal, is a cornerstone of marketing.

This includes creating compelling ad copy, persuasive presentations, and engaging content, which are not math-intensive tasks.

In essence, marketing is a field that values creativity, strategic thinking, strong communication skills, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior and market trends.

It is a suitable choice for individuals who prefer working in a field that doesn’t heavily rely on mathematics.

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3. Business Management: Business Management programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage and lead organizations.

courses Without Math
courses Without Math

Here’s why Business Management is generally seen as a course that does not require mathematics for JAMB:

a). Management Principles: Business Management primarily focuses on teaching students fundamental management principles, leadership, and organizational skills.

These skills are more about decision-making, problem-solving, and effective communication than complex mathematics.

b). Organizational Behavior: Understanding how individuals and groups behave within organizations is a key component of Business Management.

This field emphasizes psychology and sociology, rather than mathematics.

c). Strategic Planning: Business managers are responsible for strategic planning, which involves setting goals, devising plans, and making decisions to achieve organizational objectives.

While there may be some data analysis involved, it typically doesn’t require advanced mathematics.

d). Financial Management (basic level):  While Business Management programs may include introductory courses in finance, these are generally not mathematically complex.

Students are expected to have a basic understanding of financial concepts, but advanced mathematics is not typically required.

e). Marketing and Sales: Business managers often work closely with marketing and sales teams to develop strategies and tactics for promoting products or services.

This involves creativity and communication skills rather than advanced math.

f). Communication Skills:  Effective communication, both written and verbal, is a critical skill in Business Management.

This includes writing reports, giving presentations, and leading teams, which do not rely on advanced mathematics.

Business Management is a field that values leadership, decision-making, communication, and interpersonal skills over mathematics.

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4. Human Resource Management (HRM): HRM programs are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage and oversee an organization’s workforce.

jamb courses Without Math
jamb courses Without Math

Reasons why HRM is known as a course that does not require mathematics for JAMB

a). Human Behavior and Psychology: HRM places a strong emphasis on understanding human behavior within the workplace.

It involves studying psychological and sociological aspects of employees’ interactions, which do not rely heavily on mathematics.

b). Personnel Management: HR professionals are responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining employees.

These tasks primarily involve interpersonal skills, communication, and understanding of human resources principles, rather than complex mathematics.

c). Employee Relations:  Managing employee relations, resolving conflicts, and creating a positive work environment are core components of HRM.

These tasks involve communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills, not advanced mathematics.

d). Training and Development: HR managers oversee employee training and development programs.

While some data analysis may be involved in assessing training effectiveness, it’s generally not mathematically complex.

e). Compensation and Benefits: HR professionals handle compensation packages, including salaries, benefits, and bonuses.

While there may be some basic financial calculations, these are typically straightforward and do not require advanced mathematics.

f). Labor Laws and Compliance: Understanding labor laws and ensuring compliance with them is a significant part of HRM.

This is more about legal knowledge and compliance than mathematics.

g). Strategic HR Planning: HR managers often engage in strategic planning to align human resources with organizational goals.

While data analysis may be used for workforce planning, it doesn’t usually involve advanced mathematics

h). Recruitment and Selection: The recruitment and selection processes focus on identifying and hiring the right candidates for job roles.

This involves interviewing, evaluating qualifications, and matching candidates to job requirements, which is not math-intensive.

HRM is a field that values interpersonal skills, communication, organizational knowledge, and an understanding of human behavior within the workplace over mathematics.

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5. Hospitality Management: Hospitality Management programs are designed to prepare students for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry, including hotel management, restaurant management, event planning, and more.

hospitality management
hospitality management

Here are the following reasons why Hospitality Management does not require math in JAMB

a). Customer Service Focus: The hospitality industry places a strong emphasis on providing exceptional customer service.

Hospitality Management programs emphasize skills such as interpersonal communication, problem-solving, and guest satisfaction, rather than complex mathematical calculations.

b). Operational Management: Students in Hospitality Management learn to manage the day-to-day operations of hotels, restaurants, resorts, and other hospitality establishments.

While some basic financial and inventory management may be involved, these tasks are typically not highly mathematical.

c). Event Planning: Event planning and management are often part of Hospitality Management programs.

These roles require strong organizational and interpersonal skills but do not involve advanced mathematics.

d). Food and Beverage Management: For students interested in restaurant management or culinary arts, the focus is on menu planning, food preparation, and managing dining establishments.

Math is used mainly for portion control and budgeting, but it’s not typically complex mathematics.

e). Hotel and Resort Management:  Hotel and resort managers oversee guest services, reservations, and housekeeping.

While they may deal with occupancy rates and revenue management, this is usually done with the help of software and doesn’t require advanced math skills.

f). Tourism and Travel Management:  Students interested in tourism and travel management learn about destinations, travel packages, and customer relations.

These areas are more about geography, cultural understanding, and communication than mathematics.

g). Marketing and Promotion: Hospitality professionals often engage in marketing and promotion activities to attract guests and customers.

These activities rely on creativity, communication, and marketing strategies, rather than math.

h). Leadership and Team Management: Effective leadership and team management are essential in the hospitality industry.

These skills involve communication, motivation, and problem-solving, not advanced mathematics.

While some basic math skills, such as basic arithmetic, may be useful in hospitality management for tasks like pricing, budgeting, and inventory management, the mathematics involved is typically at a manageable level and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge.

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6. Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship programs are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to start and manage businesses successfully.


Here’s why Entrepreneurship is often considered a course that does not rely on mathematics for JAMB:

a). Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurship is fundamentally about identifying opportunities, generating creative ideas, and turning them into viable business ventures.

It emphasizes creativity, innovation, and problem-solving rather than complex mathematical calculations.

b). Business Planning: Entrepreneurs need to create business plans that outline their goals, strategies, and financial projections.

While basic financial literacy is important, it doesn’t require advanced mathematics.

Many entrepreneurs use software or seek assistance from financial professionals for detailed financial analysis.

c). Market Research: Understanding market trends, customer preferences, and competition is crucial for entrepreneurial success.

Market research involves data collection and analysis, but it’s not highly mathematical in nature.

d). Risk Management: Entrepreneurs access and manage risks associated with their ventures.

While risk analysis may involve some quantitative considerations, it is typically not highly mathematical.

e). Networking and Communication: Building a network of contacts and effectively communicating with investors, customers, and partners are crucial entrepreneurial skills.

These skills are more about interpersonal communication and relationship-building than mathematics.

f). Legal and Ethical Considerations: Entrepreneurs need to navigate legal and ethical issues in business.

This requires knowledge of business law and ethics, which do not rely on advanced mathematics.

In essence, Entrepreneurship is a field that values creativity, adaptability, communication skills, and a keen understanding of the business environment over mathematics.

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7. International Relations (IR): International Relations programs focus on understanding the interactions between countries, international organizations, and global issues.

international relation
international relation

There are so many reasons why International relation (IR) does not require math for JAMB. However, here are a few reasons;

a). Political Science and Diplomacy: International Relations is closely related to political science and diplomacy.

It involves studying international politics, policies, and diplomacy rather than mathematics.

b). Global Issues: IR programs concentrate on global issues such as international conflicts, human rights, climate change, and global governance.

These topics are more about political analysis, history, and policy development than complex mathematical calculations.

c). International Law: Understanding international law and treaties is a critical aspect of IR. While legal principles are involved, they are typically not mathematically complex.

d). Conflict Resolution: IR professionals work on conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts.

This involves negotiation, diplomacy, and an understanding of geopolitical dynamics rather than mathematics.

e). Foreign Policy Analysis: Analyzing and developing foreign policies for countries and international organizations is a key focus of IR.

This requires a deep understanding of political science and international relations theory but does not rely on mathematics.

f). Security Studies: IR programs often include courses on security studies, which deal with issues like military strategies and global security threats.

While data analysis may be involved, it is not typically highly mathematical.

g). International Organizations: Studying international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization involves understanding their structures, policies, and operations, which do not require advanced mathematics.

h). Geopolitical Analysis: Analyzing geopolitical trends and international relations between countries is central to IR.

This involves political analysis, historical context, and strategic thinking, not mathematics.

International Relations is a field that values political analysis, historical knowledge, diplomatic skills, and an understanding of global politics over mathematics.

8. Public Administration: Public Administration is a field of study that typically does not require advanced mathematics for JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) in Nigeria.

Public Administration programs focus on the management and operations of public and nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and public policy.

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Reasons Why Public Administration Doesn’t Require Math for Jamb

a). Public Policy and Governance: Public Administration programs emphasize the study of government policies, public management, and governance systems.

This involves understanding political processes, policy analysis, and decision-making, rather than complex mathematics.

b). Organizational Management: Public administrators are responsible for managing public institutions and agencies.

This involves leadership, human resource management, strategic planning, and communication skills, rather than mathematics.

c). Public Finance (basic level): While Public Administration programs may include introductory courses in public finance, these are generally not highly mathematical.

Basic financial literacy and an understanding of budgeting processes are typically sufficient.

d). Policy Analysis: Public administrators often engage in policy analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of public policies.

While data analysis may be involved, it is typically not mathematically complex.

e). Ethics and Public Service: Public Administration emphasizes ethics, accountability, and public service values.

These aspects are more about ethical considerations and professionalism than mathematics.

f). Public Personnel Management: Managing public employees and human resources within government agencies is a significant focus of Public Administration.

This involves personnel policies, labor relations, and employee development, which are not math-intensive.

g). Public Sector Leadership: Public administrators are leaders in public service organizations, and their role is more about interpersonal skills, communication, and decision-making than mathematics.

h). Public Administration Theory: Understanding the theories and concepts behind public administration is central to the field.

This involves critical thinking, analysis, and comprehension of administrative principles, not mathematics.

Public Administration is a field that values governance knowledge, organizational management, policy analysis, and public service values over mathematics.

9. Sociology:


Sociology programs focus on understanding human behavior, society, and social institutions.

Here’s why Sociology is typically seen as a course that does not heavily rely on mathematics for JAMB:

a). Social Analysis: Sociology is primarily concerned with the analysis of human behavior, social patterns, and interactions within society.

This involves qualitative research methods, critical thinking, and understanding social dynamics, rather than complex mathematics.

b). Sociological Theories: Students of sociology learn about various sociological theories and concepts, which help them analyze and interpret social phenomena.

This is more about critical analysis and comprehension than mathematics.

c). Social Research: Sociologists conduct research to investigate social issues and trends.

While research may involve data collection and analysis, it is often done using statistical software, and the emphasis is on interpreting the results rather than performing complex mathematical calculations.

d). Social Change: Sociology examines the factors that contribute to social change, including cultural shifts, social movements, and policy developments.

This is more about understanding historical and social context than mathematics.

e). Cultural Studies: Sociology explores cultural diversity, norms, and societal values.

While cultural research may involve some qualitative and quantitative methods, it typically doesn’t require advanced mathematics.

f). Social Problems and Policy: Sociology examines social problems such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination.

Students analyze these issues from a social and policy perspective, which involves understanding societal structures and policies, not complex mathematics.

g). Social Psychology: Sociology often incorporates aspects of social psychology, which focuses on individual and group behavior within a social context.

This is more about psychological and sociological analysis than mathematics.

h). Gender and Race Studies: Sociology programs often include courses on gender studies and race studies, which involve critical analysis of societal structures and inequalities, rather than mathematics.

10. Languages and Linguistics: Languages and Linguistics programs focus on the scientific study of languages, communication, and the structure of language.

Here are some tangible reasons why you don’t need math for languages and linguistics.

a). Language Structure: Linguistics is primarily concerned with the structure and analysis of language.

This involves phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, and other linguistic subfields, which do not require advanced mathematics.

b). Cultural and Historical Analysis: Language and linguistics programs often delve into the cultural and historical aspects of languages.

This involves understanding the evolution of languages, cultural context, and sociolinguistic factors, not mathematics.

c). Translation and Interpretation: Students in language programs learn about translation and interpretation, which require strong language skills but not advanced mathematics.

d). Language Teaching: Language education and pedagogy are essential components of language programs.

These areas emphasize effective teaching methods and language acquisition, which do not rely on mathematics.

e). Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Linguistics: Linguistics often incorporates aspects of psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics, which explore the mental processes involved in language use.

This is more about cognitive science and psychology than mathematics.

f). Applied Linguistics: Applied linguistics involves the practical application of linguistic knowledge to areas such as language teaching, language policy, and language planning.

While quantitative analysis may be involved in some research, it is not typically highly mathematical.

g). Sociolinguistics: Sociolinguistics explores the relationship between language and society, including topics like language variation and language attitudes.

This field focuses on qualitative and sociological analysis rather than mathematics.

h). Translation Studies: Translation studies examine the theory and practice of translation and interpretation.

While some aspects may involve quantitative analysis, the core focus is on language proficiency and translation techniques, not mathematics.

Languages and Linguistics programs emphasize analytical and communication skills, cultural understanding, and linguistic proficiency over mathematics.

While linguistic research may involve some statistical analysis, these methods are typically taught in a way that is accessible to students without advanced mathematical backgrounds.


Keep in mind that specific admission requirements may vary from one institution to another, so it’s essential to check with the universities or colleges you’re interested in to understand their specific entry requirements for the courses you want to pursue.

Some institutions might have slight variations in their admission criteria, including whether they require mathematics or not.

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