How To Pass JAMB/WAEC/GCE As A Commercial Student In Nigeria 2024/2025

How to pass JAMB/WAEC/GCE as a commercial student
How to pass JAMB/WAEC/GCE as a commercial student

How To Pass JAMB/WAEC/GCE As A Commercial Student In Nigeria 2024/2025: lately, a lot of students have been having difficulties passing the JAMB/WAEC/GCE examinations on their own.

If you are in this category, I want you to know that you are not the first. It shouldn’t make you feel less of yourself. There is a way out.

A couple of years back, a few weeks before the start of my WAEC examination, I had the same fear.

Sadly, in other to solve this problem, some high schools have resorted to engaging in examination malpractices in other to ensure their students pass the examination which in turn has been used as bragging right for the school.

However, I was able to overcome the fear and I wrote my JAMB, WAEC, And GCE examinations myself and I passed excellently.

For my WAEC result, I had A’s in almost all subjects including Financial Accounting, Commerce, government, and Mathematics. Hence, I was awarded the best commercial student in my school.

For my JAMB result, I had a very high score that helped me get admission to my choice school’s first admission list for my choice course which is accounting.

In this article, I will be sharing with you the tested practical tips I used in passing my JAMB/WAEC/GCE exams as a commercial student in one sitting.

If you faithfully adopt these tips, you can rest assured of passing these exams excellently without assistance from anyone in the exam hall.

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How To Pass JAMB/WAEC/GCE As A Commercial Student In Nigeria

1. Believe in Your Self: The first transformation that happens in any man’s life starts from his mind.

tips to pass examinations without studying hard
tips to pass examinations without studying hard

The mind carries a futuristic representation of the physical. If you picture yourself as a failure in your mind, then there is are high possibility of it coming to reality.

However, if you picture yourself as a Winner/Champion in your mind, there is a very high possibility of it coming to reality.

That is one of the reasons why you must believe in yourself and speak positively to yourself at all times.

As simple as this sounds, it has a huge impact on your success story.

There are some positive steps and affirmations you can use. A good example is waking up in the morning and saying positive about yourself like

I am a gifted student and I can achieve anything I put my mind to including passing my JAMB/WAEC/GCE examination”, or “I can achieve all my goals because my true potential is limitless”.

Another Affirmative practice you can engage in is taking a few minutes before your study time to speak positively of yourself.

Affirmations like “I will understand everything I study now” or “My mind absorbs and processes new information with greater speed daily”, you can also say “I am a brilliant student, I am smart, I am strong, I can do anything I put my mind to. I’ve got this”.

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2. Get Rid of Distractions: The second practical tip is getting rid of every distraction. Distractions are anything that restricts your concentration/focus toward achieving your desired goal.

how to study for JAMB and pass excellently
how to study for JAMB and pass excellently

Distraction you’re your eyes away from the goal and by the time you realize, you might have lost some time you would have used to take a step closer to achieving the goal.

These distractions can come in different forms which can affect your study hours and mental, or physical health.

Some of the common distractions are;

a). Spending so much time on social media

b). Spending study time watching the television

c). Having self-doubt

d). Unnecessary talks and hanging out with friends

e). reading and studying unrelated textbooks and materials to JAMB/WAEC/GCE.

You should get rid of these distractions as they can have a great negative impact on your goal.

A practical way of handling this problem is by practicing time management.

Schedule time for all your daily activities giving more time to your studies and classes and less time to other things.

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3. Purchase Recommended Text Books and Study Materials: The JAMB/WAEC/GCE exam has recommended textbooks for each subject that will cover most of the questions that will be asked in these examinations.

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how can I pass my jamb successfully

For instance, as a commercial student, some compulsory subjects for you in WAEC and GCE are financial accounting, Economics, Commerce, Mathematics, English Language, and Government.

All these subjects have recommended textbooks and study materials that you can use to effectively study for the examinations.

These recommended textbooks and materials can be found in the examination brochure given after registration in the form of a CD or pamphlet.

They can also be seen in the official websites of the examination body.

After knowing the recommended textbooks, you can get them from well-known bookshops or popular book markets around you.

In Lagos state, you can get most of the recommended textbooks and study materials in the Yaba market.

You should study with these textbooks specifically because they will help give you direction and help give you hints to likely examination questions.

4. Create Study Time In A Good Study Environment: After acquiring the recommended text and study materials, you have to intentionally create time to study in a good study environment.

how can I pass my WAEC successfully
how can I pass my WAEC successfully

In the study, there is what we call “Study Peak Time”. The study peak time is when you are at an advantage to study any material and have a faster understanding capacity.

For some students, their peak time of study is during the day, or evening hours of the day while for others, it is during the midnight hours.

As a student studying for the JAMB/WAEC/GCE examination, it is important you know your study peak time and capitalize on that time.

That time should be for serious alone study and nothing else. You shouldn’t use such time to gist with friends or spend it chatting on social media.

In addition to this study peak time, you should also intentionally allocate more time to studying relevant textbooks and study materials for your exams.

A good study is measured by the number of topics covered while studying not by the number of hours spent while studying.

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5. Study and Cover Syllabus and Brochure: The JAMB/WAEC/GCE examination has a syllabus for all subjects.

This syllabus contains a list of all topics that the examination questions will be gotten from, both theory and objectives.

Studying the topics in the syllabus for the subject using the recommended texts and study material makes you almost 60 – 70% ready to pass the JAMB/WAEC/GCE examination without assistance from anyone in the examination hall.

It is recommended you study these topics one after the other while jotting down notes and key points from the topic.

Also, make sure you study every topic in the syllabus before going for the examination, it builds your confidence hours before and during the examination.

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6. Attend Tutorial Lessons: Tutorial lessons are very advantageous. They help you cover the JAMB/WAEC/GCE syllabus within a shorter time.

how to achieve excellent results in jamb
how to achieve excellent results in jamb

Aside from that, tutors in this tutorial Centre have years of experience teaching these subjects and have developed easy learning materials to help you understand some complex topics, especially in financial accounting and economics.

The tutors also can predict likely examination questions which they will use as lecture notes for you.

You also get to meet people of like mind who are ready to study to pass their examination there. Meeting these people serves as motivation.

7. Practice JAMB/WAEC/GCE Past Questions Both Online And Offline: let me tell you a secret, most examination bodies repeat exam questions lately.

how to score all A in WAEC and GCE
how to score all A in WAEC and GCE

Covering the past questions (up to 5-7 years backward) sets you at a greater advantage.

A lot of people prefer studying just past questions before an examination.

It is a success secret a lot of people don’t know.

But I am not telling you to study just past questions, I am just telling you how powerful studying past questions can be.

You should also practice online CBT test exams for all the courses you are writing in JAMB/WAEC/GCE.

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8. Spend More Time With Subjects You Have Weakness In: The subjects you have difficulties understanding are your weakness and as such you should spend more time studying those subjects.

One hack to studying the subjects you have weakness in is by breaking the syllabus into topics, apportioning each topic to specific studying hours, and repeatedly studying those topics.

While studying take comprehensive notes you can fall back to.

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9. Seek Help When Needed: it is ok to need help whenever you encounter topics you find hard to understand.

how to pass JAMB without studying hard
how to pass JAMB without studying hard

The best people to meet in this situation are your teachers in school or your tutor in the tutorial Centre you are enrolled in.

You can also search the internet, and in most cases, you can see the solution to the problem you are facing, just like you found this article.

10. Take Care of Your Physical Body And Mental Health: In everything you do while preparing for your JAMB/WAEC/GCE examination, make sure you prioritize your physical and mental health.

It is ok to feel tired of repeated study hours. Just take a break doing something you enjoy doing for a while, hang out with family, friends, and so on.

But don’t spend so much time doing that, take a break and return to your goal.

Remember you can also do all those things you enjoy doing after your examinations for as long as you wish, but for now, you must regiment them.

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The tips listed above are tested and trusted that you can use as a commercial student to pass your JAMB/WAEC/GCE external examination excellently including the almighty financial accounting subject.

Another helpful tip is working with friends of like mind and engaging in study groups for study discussion and accountability purposes.

I am an accounting graduate and I have years of experience tutoring and mentoring commercial students, if you have any questions relating to this topic, or you have any issue concerning any topic in the commercial department, ranging from financial accounting, commerce, economics, and so on, you can drop it in the comment session.

I will personally explain them to you and ensure you understand them.

OK, that is all for this article. Team ifinancely is rooting for you in your examination.

Remember you are a star.

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